Derek Santos
A software developer with a passion for automation and orchestration.
Title: Full-Stack Software Engineer
Coding Experience: 10+ years
Passions: Python, Rust, MicroServices
"The only way to know how strong you are is to keep testing your limits." – Jor El
Cisco Systems - Software Engineer III
August 2022 - Present
Raleigh, North Carolina
- Pioneered advancements in automation enabling reuse business-wide and saving network engineers hundreds of hours of network troubleshooting.
- Co-Created automation and coding standards revolving around automated testing frameworks.
- Developed and maintained a 30+ microservice application used by thousands of users at an international scale.
Cisco Systems [Collabera] - Full Stack Software Engineer
July 2021 - August 2022
Raleigh, North Carolina
- Developed and maintained several Python-based applications used by several Fortune 500 companies and other Cisco customers to automate the configuration and monitoring of large-scale network infrastructure devices.
- Tested and deployed applications using CI/CD tools such as Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes.
- Worked in a fast, constantly changing environment to deliver new feature requests, including (but not limited to) providing a RESTful API to each feature.
- Led the debugging of complex issues and provided solutions with minimal downtime.
- Collaborated in an Agile team using the Scrum framework to manage incoming features and tickets.
Author of Interactive Scenarios for Pearson Eductation
August 2021 - Present
- Co-Author for the following interactive learning labs on tools for Ethical Hacking:
- Ethical Hacking: Introducing Network and Port Scanning using Nmap
- Ethical Hacking: Advanced Nmap Scanning and the Nmap Scripting Engine
- Ethical Hacking: Web Application Vulnerability Scanning with Nikto
- Ethical Hacking: Capturing and Analyzing Packet Packets with TShark and tcpdump
- Ethical Hacking: Scanning Docker Containers with Grype
Vitality - Senior Project
Senior Project
Aug 2020 - Dec 2020
Raleigh, North Carolina
- Managed and guided a team of six developers to create a mobile and web application for automated scheduling of workouts and trainings.
- Embraced continuous integration with GitHub actions, as well as performing automated unit testing to scale my team.
- Deployed different applications in a microservice architecture using Docker allowing the application to be scaled with demand.
- The project was completed within three sprints of two-week intervals from design to proof-of-concept in six weeks.
Cisco Systems - Security Orchestration
May 2019 - Aug 2019
Raleigh, North Carolina
- Developed custom software in Java (as a member Cisco's CX security development team) to help multiple Cisco customers to programmatically interface with Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) and Cisco Firepower Management Center (FMC) managing Cisco's Next-Generation Firewalls, Cisco Secure Firewalls, and IPS.
- Developed a Webex Teams bot and a custom application in Python to increase the productivity of the team.
- Created an automatic phishing mitigation system using Python that helps users to send emails to a sandbox in order to flag and contain emails that may potential be malicious.
- Mentored other interns in various programming languages, architectures, and technical tasks.
Cisco Systems - Advanced Services
May 2018 - Aug 2018
Raleigh, North Carolina
- Created a software solution to assist cybersecurity experts parse thousands of security event logs from firewalls, Cisco Identity Service Engine (ISE), and Splunk servers.
- Assisted industry experts to implement, deploy, and troubleshoot Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD), Cisco ASA, and Cisco ISE several customer deployments across the country in the financial services, banking, and healthcare verticals.
- Taught Python frameworks (such as Flask and Django) and other technologies to fellow interns. This allowed them to successfully parse and analyze incoming network traffic at scale, as well as providing analytics and insights to administrators, engineers, and customers.
North Carolina NASA Space Grant Consortium
Nov 2017 - May 2018
Raleigh, North Carolina
- Developed Arduino programs to maintain and control multiple sensors, relays, and data during a five-hour launch to the stratosphere.
- All Arduino controlled subsystems are to withstand sub-zero temperatures of the stratosphere, while recording data from the attached sensors.
North Carolina State University ASSIST Internship
May 2017 - Aug 2017
Raleigh, North Carolina
- Developed a software platform to enable the monitoring of dangerous Volatile Organic Compounds (V.O.C).
- Created real-time multi-threaded application which gathered and processed data from multiple CMUT gas sensors.
- Established live graphs to perform analytics and analysis of multiple devices using various file transfer protocols.
- Managed and maintained multiple BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) connections.
Insect Tracking System and Algorithm
Aug 2014 - May 2018
Wake Technical Community College, North Carolina
- Created an insect tracking algorithm and software written in C++ that is currently being submitted for a patent application with the USPTO.
- Adopted advanced libraries such as Open Computer Vision (OpenCV), and Simple and Fast Multimedia Library (SFML).
- Reduced errors commonly found within biology lab experiments when analyzing fruit flies undergoing reactions of ethanol.
- Scheduled to succeed currently existing methods used in the biology labs.
North Campus Engineering Club Website
Aug 2014 - May 2018
Wake Technical Community College, North Carolina
- Led a team of software developers to improve efficiency and flow of information for the club.
- Maintained announcements, important dates, and valuable information concerning ongoing projects throughout the club.
- Developed an online store for the Engineering Club to sell merchandise to individuals around the club environment.
Trebuchet Firing Mechanism
Aug 2017 - May 2018
Wake Technical Community College, North Carolina
- Developed and deployed a firing mechanism within a trebuchet using Raspberry Pi and IoT devices.
- Increased safety of work environment when outfitting the trebuchet with the mechanism using both software and hardware techniques.
Cisco DevNet APIC-EM
Aug 2016 - Feb 2017
Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina
- Completed Cisco's DevNet APIC-EM Northbound REST API learning labs.
- Gained experience with APIC-EM and its RESTful APIs to create custom applications that could interact with the controller or add dynamic software defined networking (SDN) functionality.
University of North Carolina - Charlotte
2018 - 2021
Bachelor of Science - BS, Computer Science - Major GPA: 3.700 - Overall GPA: 3.523
Relevant Courses:
- Introduction to Computer Science I
- Introduction to Computer Science I
- Introduction to Computer Science II
- Programming Lab II
- Logic and Algorithms
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Introduction Operating Systems & Networking
- Software Engineering
- Introduction to Computer Architecture
- Computers & Their Impact on Society
- Software Development Projects
- Human-Centered Design
- Web App Design and Development
- Introduction to Info Security & Privacy
- Software Requirements & Project Management
- Software Architecture & Design
- Network Based Application Development
- Secure Programming Penetration Testing
Wake Technical Community College
2014 - 2018
Associate of Engineering, Computer Science
Relevant Courses:
- C++ Programming
- Java Programming
- Into to Progamming and Logic
Inducted Member of the National Society of Leadership and Success
"Power! Unlimited power!" - Darth Sidious
Python | |
Java | |
C++ | |
CSS | |
Javascript | |
Git | |
Docker | |
LXC / LXD | |
Flask | |
SQLAlchemy | |
JSON | |
Ansible | |
Open Computer Vision | |
Kubernetes | |
Object Orientated Programming | |
UML | |
MVC Pattern | |
Continuous integration | |
JQuery | |
MongoDB | |
ZFS | |
Elasticsearch | |
Kibana | |
Logstash |
Proxmox | |
Debian | |
Ubuntu | |
Manjaro | |
Windows |
VSCode | |
Github | |
Gitlab | |
Visual Studio 2019 | |
VMWare ESXI | |
Github Actions |
"Do. Or do not. There is no try." - Yoda
This website was built from the ground up with Python, Flask, Nginx, and Docker.
Download Imgur albums and images to desired folder.
A workout companion app focused on managing user fitness and trainer information.
An image processing program to time keep the effects of different gasses on fruit flies.
Control Kasa lights with webooks to dim or turn off lights within a room while watching movies through plex.
"The Force will be with you. Always." - Obi-Wan Kenobi
My resume is automated to be created based on the contents of this website.
Upon clicking the download
button on either the top right of the navbar, going to
/resume , or clicking here, the
Flask application (this website) will generate a formatted Microsoft Word file and send the file to your
computer. This will ensure you always get the most up-to-date version of my resume.
"And my axe!" - Gimli
The best way to contact me is through email or linkedin!